Art Therapy

Thank you for your interest in Art Therapy...

Whether you're just curious or seeking support in a difficult time, welcome. Take a deep breath in and out...

What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy is a clinical intervention - an evidence based psychological therapy using creative and sensory processes in the context of a supportive relationship. It allows us to harness our inner resources to understand and find new pathways through the challenges we face.

How is it regulated?

Art Therapists in the UK must be registered with the Health Professions Care Council (HCPC) and with
The British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT). They must have regular clinical supervision, professional insurance and ongoing development as part of their practice.

What to expect...

As with all types of therapy, the journey can be fun, sad, frustrating, moving, difficult and even joyful depending on what you bring to the session. It is my job to contain this process at a level and pace which feels safe and manageable for you.

What activities are involved?

With Art Therapy, each pair of hands somehow knows what to do. You might be tearing up paper, smoothing wet clay, drawing cartoons, designing tattoos, print making or model making....every person is different!

In-person options

Connect on an individual basis or as part of a group therapy session.

Connect via Zoom 

Attend your session digitally through a password protected Zoom meeting. 

Weekly sessions

Often, sessions are scheduled on a weekly basis for maximum effect.

Typically one hour long

Sessions can last from 45 - 60 minutes depending on your preferences.

Liz Hall: About Me

From a young age, I always knew that I wanted to apply my love of art to a profession that could have a positive impact on people's lives. As an Art Therapist, I have many years of experience supporting children, young people and adults, including family and systemic work. I have worked in primary and secondary schools, social services, NHS, and third sector organisations, both in the UK and abroad.  I'm an independent practitioner and currently open to new clients.

Please explore the answers to some frequently asked questions below.

  • What kind of Art Therapy sessions are available?

    I run fixed-term projects and group sessions (for up to 12 people) as well as 1:1 services.

  • How much does an Art Therapy session cost?

    A 1:1 session typically costs between £50 - £80.  If you are booking a group therapy session, prices will start at £25 per person.

  • Are you open to international clients?

    Absolutely! To date, I have worked with clients in the Mediterranean, North America and beyond. With Zoom technology, anything is possible. 

  • How are sessions paid for?

    You can pay for a session independently. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for funding. 

  • What funding is available for children?

    If your child has additional support needs or is in receipt of self-directed payments, you may use these to pay for Art Therapy. 

    Additionally, if a Child's Plan is in place, you can request funding via education or health services. In Scotland, we work within the GIRFEC framework.

  • What does it mean to 'self-refer'?

    Clients who self-refer make a personal decision to seek support for themselves or their child/children without mediation via a third party.

  • Why might someone choose to self-refer?

    We all have times in life when we really need help, often it’s because too many things have

    happened and it overwhelms our ability to cope in the way we normally would. Or, it can be that we

    come to the place where we realise that a certain behaviour or issue is holding us back, preventing

    us from moving forward, and we feel stuck. 

    Some of us have experienced trauma, loss, abuse,

    violence, chronic illness, and these things tend to affect our bodies as well as our emotions.

    Whatever the reason, it is a great strength to recognise when we need help and to ask for it.

Email Me

It's perfectly understandable to have a lot of questions about Art Therapy. Please feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Submit Your e-Form

If you're interested in learning more or potentially becoming a client, please fill out the e-form linked below.

I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready.

In the meantime, stay safe.
Take good care of yourself - you are important.
Take a deep breath in and out...

Art Soul Mind 

The unique images, products and written material on this website may not be reproduced without prior consent.
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